
서울 도심속 휴식처 서울숲(Seoul Forest ) 정보

허클 2019. 8. 19.


Information on the Seoul Forest of Resting Place in downtown Seoul


어제 서울숲에 갔었습니다. 몇 번 갔었지만, 언제나 서울 도심속에
이런 휴식처가 있어서 너무나 고마웠습니다.
순간 아..한국을 여행하는 분들께 추천 글을 작성해야 겠다고 결심했어요.

I went to Seoul Forest yesterday. I have been there a few times, but always in downtown Seoul.
Thank you so much for this rest area.
At the moment, I decided to write a recommendation letter for those traveling to Korea.


주소는 서울 성동구 뚝섬로 273 입니다.

Address is 273 Ttukseom, Seongdong-gu, Seoul.








사실 초기 몇번은 저는 운전해서 갔었는데요.
항상 주차장이 꽉차서 대기시간을 가졌었습니다.
근처에 계시다면, 택시나 대중교통을 이용하시는 것이 좋아요
택시 타고 주차장 바로앞에 내려서 바로 서울숲으로 입장하는
분들이 부러워서 저도 이제는 택시를 이용 합니다.

Actually, I drove a few times in the beginning
I always had a waiting time because the parking lot was full.
If you're nearby, you'd better take a taxi or public transportation.
Take a taxi and get off right in front of the parking lot and enter Seoul Forest.
I'm envious of you, so I'm taking a taxi now.




곳곳에 주의사항들이 안내 되고 있으니 미리 확인하시고 가시는 것이 좋습니다.
전동탈것은 출입금지라는 안내가 있네요.

Attention is being directed to all areas, so please check in advance
There's a notice that motorized vehicles are off-limits.



숲속 공기가 너무 좋네요..

The air in the forest is so nice.



상당히 넓어서 갈라지는 길목마다 이정표가 있으니 원하는 곳을 선별해서
이동하는 것이 좋아요. 

It's quite wide, so there's a milestone on every dividing street, so we can sort out where we want to go.
It's good to move.








숲속 곳곳에 평상들이 있어서 산책 중 휴식을 취할 수 있어요

There's a lot of routine in the woods, so you can take a rest while walking.



아이들과 같이 간다면 숲속 놀이터에 가면 아이들이
너무나 좋아합니다. 모래가 있고 미끄럼틀이 잘 되어 있어요.

If you're going with your kids, you're going to a forest playground where they're going.
I love it. It's got sand and it's a good slides.



안쪽으로 더 들어가면 늘씬한 나무들이 줄을서서 있는데
이곳에서 자전거를 타고 즐길 수 있어요.

If you go further inside, there's a line of slimy trees.
You can enjoy riding a bike here.



상당히 넓은 연못가에서 사진도 찍고
물고기들을 볼 수 있어요. 물고기에는 먹이를 주면 안되요..

I'll take a picture of it by a fairly large pond.
You can see the fish. You can't feed fish.



도심 가까이는 넓은 잔디밭이 있는데.
여기는 아이들이 마음껏 뛰어놀게 해서 좋고
강아지 산책 시키기에도 좋은 곳이에요.

There is a large lawn near the city center.
It's nice to have kids running around as much as they want.
It's also a great place to walk your dog.



한국의 서울을 여행한다면, 서울숲에서
휴식을 취해 보시는 것을 추천드려요.

If you travel to Seoul, Korea, at Seoul Forest,
I recommend you take a rest.
